Strange January

January was a bit of a strange month, starting off very busy as is to be expected after Christmas but ending up fairly quiet. Never the less we issued 6,876 meals to 302 Adults and 271 children which was slightly down on last year. Donations have remained good with a few Christmas activity fund raising events finally finding their way to us. We have changed our supplier of fresh veg, you should notice an improvement in the quality, and those of you that had steak in your parcels in Jan we can’t guarantee when it will happen again.  I’m astonished how far social media reaches, people who may have only a passing interest in the food bank commenting on a Facebook post, from the lady on the super market check out to the woman in the United States asking about volunteering. We have seen an increase in referrals from agencies which tells me that it’s more than just food parcels that people need. A big THANK YOU to all our supporters where ever you are, we could not do it without you.  

Next: Possitive feed back
Previous: December Final Figures.