Possitive feed back
We have received quite a bit of positive feed back over the last few weeks which is always nice to get. In a world were the biggest problem is reputed to be people living for them selves, ie :- look after number one, think only of self. Something we see every day at the food bank with our “short/out of date items and an issue that causes the blood pressure to rise a bit. So it was nice to receive this along with several others. (see Testimonies)
“I for one thank you once again for being there in times of need, as well as for others. My pride keeps me from contacting you, but my at time empty stomach pushes me past it and I then get in contact with you and you never let a hungry person down, so we thank you.” PCR Kettering.
The Food bank is staffed entirely by volunteers that give up their free time to serve others and we like to see a fare distribution of the “freebies” much to the annoyance of some individuals. We live in the world but we don’t have to sink to it’s standards. The negative feedback always comes from those that don’t get their own way. Thankyou PCR, we pleased to be able to help.