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Kettering Foodbank

Help Feed a Family

Help Feed a Family

Regular price £10.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £10.00 GBP
Sale Sold out
Donation amount

Your donation will go towards one of our family food parcels.

The average cost of a Family food parcel is £139.22.

Our standard family food parcel (2 Adults, 2 Children) contains the following, where there are more children the quantity is adjusted.

4 packets of dry meals – instant noodles, microwave rice or pasta n sauce,  1 box of cuppa soup.

1kg bag of rice, 1kg bag of pasta, 2 jars pasta or curry sauce.    (DIFFERENT)

Potatoes, fresh and/or tinned.

3 tins of meat – chicken, steak, mince or pie. (SAME) 3 tins of hotdogs or meatballs. (SAME)

2 tins of fish – tuna, salmon, mackerel etc.   (DIFFERENT) 

1 large tin of ham, luncheon meat or corned beef etc.

1 large tin of sweetcorn or 2 small tins,  2 tins of peas,   2 tin of carrots, 2 tins of tomatoes.

4 tins of soup (2 SAME + 2)

2 tins of ravioli, macaroni cheese, Spaghetti or beans & sausage (SAME)  3 tins of baked beans.

2 tins of fruit, 2 tins of rice pudding, 2 tins custard

1 jar of jam, 1 jar choc spread, peanut butter, honey, 2 angel delight or jelly

1 large box of cereal, 1 large box of porridge. 1 large bag of sugar, 2 litres UHT milk.

1 large jar coffee, 1 jar drinking chocolate, 80 box of tea bags, 1 bottle of squash or juice

2 packets of biscuits or Family pack, 6 bags of crisps or a family pack when available.

Savoury treat (crackers etc) Chocolate bar and or sweets when available.

 We also add 1 loaf of Bread, butter, cheese or cheese slices, eggs, fresh veg, pet food, toiletries, nappies and sanitary items, washing powder and cleaning items if requested. We sometimes have donated frozen and chilled ready meals.

Once you have completed the checkout you will get an automatic email with a printable “Thankyou for your donation card.”

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