The Worst and the Best

I remember the outburst when our van got a parking ticket while parked just  outside the foodbank, “how can they put a ticket on a charity vehicle”.  Well this week we have had two Email scams addressed to the Foodbank, "who would scam a charity?"

Here at the food bank we see the worst and the best in people, you may not realise it but the Super market surplus goods we receive are mostly if not all out of date so we are unable to place them in parcels. They are placed out side the food bank for people to help themselves, this brings out the worst in some people who will visit two or three times a morning and fill up their trolly or bags with anything and everything with not a thought for others, or those who will complain or even be abusive if there is nothing left or nothing they want.

But we also see the best in people, we have some wonderful people who will come in every week with donations they have bought, some who make standing orders into our bank account or via our Web Site. Then there are those who regularly place items in our donation bins in various super markets.

 We have recently had massive donations from Pets at Home with three members of staff spending a morning helping out in the foodbank. A local Building Society made a large donation last year and two members of staff regularly spend a morning helping out. Then last but certainly not least are the 20+ volunteers who give up their time to make the whole thing possible. Thankfully the good outweighs the bad and we are able to continue to provide a vital service to those in crisis. A big thankyou to you all.

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